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RADIO MARIA PERU Radio en vivo

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Radio Maria Peru is a Catholic radio station based in Lima, Peru. The channel aims to spread the message of the Catholic faith and improve the spiritual and moral values of its listeners. It broadcasts to listeners in all regions of Peru with 24-hour programming. The station's programming includes a variety of religious and spiritual content, including daily prayer and devotional programs, catechesis, Bible study, and spiritual reflections. Additionally, Radio Maria Peru features music, news, and cultural programs that promote Christian values and foster a greater sense of community. The station's schedule is segmented according to different themes, such as youth, family, and social outreach, allowing for a diverse range of programming. With its commitment to promoting Christian values and offering a platform for spiritual growth, Radio Maria Peru serves as an important resource for listeners throughout the country.
Escuchar RADIO MARIA PERU en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar RADIO MARIA PERU en la app radio.net